Your whole article sparked a stirring in me, along with cleansing tears. I especially enjoyed the reading with thirteen-lined squirrel and grandmother Violet. Definitely a time of letting go, though feeling uncertain about what is coming in as it is still yet unseen, but a stirring of something there none-the-less. But grandmother Violet feels comforting to me while at the same time reminding me to trust in the process.

I'm reminded of the family of thirteen-lined squirrels that were born and took up residence under our front stoop this summer. Oh, the joy they brought - their tiny selves learning to navigate the world. There were at least seven babies I counted! Until one day, I saw the neighbor's cat, sitting on our front stoop, peering with intent over the hole the squirrels came and went from.

I was starkly reminded of the nature of life and the cycles of it. Each serves a purpose - life and death - each nourishment in its own way. And learning to balance both within ourselves.

I'm going to need to add your Grandmother deck to my collection after reading this.

Thank you for your beautiful work in the world! I often resonate with what you share.

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Hi Barb, wow! Thanks so much for sharing all of this. It’s really meaningful to hear how these themes and beings feel to you. I resonate with your expression, too. And thank you for your support. Cheers to being on the journey together into the unknown. <3

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