May 3, 2023Liked by Kara Simons | Joyful Resonance

I was just appreciating your writing so much in a Prairie Majesty oracle spread yesterday and want to say you're a wonderful writer. 🌾it might also be freeing to self publish as the industry is so conniving and shifty these days, not always recognizing what is new, in my experience...I've tried the book proposal route and may try again with a book I'm working on. But it's not the only way, honor yourself no matter what.💕🌿💦

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Thank you, Pamela! Your encouragement means a lot. I’m open to self-publishing if I can’t find a good match, but I know firsthand how much work it is. 🖤 I’d love to focus on some other sparkling new ideas! I’m so glad you’re enjoying PMO. 🦋 🦬 🪱

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IMHO, your book, and your insights, from what I've seen, are needed. I've no doubt you'll find a way and it will touch the hearts of those it is meant to. I'm really looking forward to reading it!

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Barb, I’m so glad you’re excited to read! Thank you for your kind words-- that’s my dearest hope. 💛💛

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May 3, 2023Liked by Kara Simons | Joyful Resonance

I love you so much! Happy to read all of this. Your sharing is so expansive! I know others feel it too. 💛

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And I looooove you. Thanks for being such a good friend. 🥰

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