Jun 5, 2023Liked by Kara Simons | Joyful Resonance

So beautifully written! I’ve been experiencing a lot of this too (different elements and triggers of course). It’s so tempting to want to bounce back and at least appear to be in that “everything is fine” zone. But it’s often not and getting comfortable with that is a journey.

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Ahhh, you’re so right about getting comfortable with the not-fine moments. I really hope we both get a break soon. Thank you for the kind words, Em! 💕

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Kara Simons | Joyful Resonance

OMG Kara. This is why I adore you and get super excited to see your newsletters in my inbox. You are so real that it forces all the authenticity of me to be exposed. This touched me deeply. I strive so hard to be a blooming flower, sunshine and everything wonderful. Then I fail. When I read your words, it renews a faith in my humanity that I keep forgetting about. I suddenly like myself again. When you get that book published you are going to touch so many lives with a dose of real, healing medicine and the world will rejoice with you and we’ll keep on being insanely beautiful, magically mysterious, perfectly flawed human beings with an increased capacity for compassion. Thank you for all the guts you’ve wretched to continue forward with this book.

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Di, what a generous comment-- thanks for the gift of your encouragement. "I suddenly like myself again"--> that is a line I can absolutely relate to. I appreciate you! Onward for us both!

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